Last updated Feb 12th, 2022
How do we manage your data? (We put this in simple terms as we believe everyone should be able to understand what happens with their data.)
WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT ON YOU? We collect Emails, IP addresses, Names, Addresses, Usernames, Payment Records, and any other information you enter into the site. Your actions on our panel are also logged and visible to other users and ourselves.
WHO IS COLLECTING YOUR DATA? CryHosting collects your data.
HOW IS IT COLLECTED? We collect data when you go onto our sites/use our services.
WHY IS IT BEING COLLECTED? We collect data to allow users to have the optimal experience. Emails are collected so you can use our panel, receive emails from us and use our client area. IP addresses are collected so you can establish a connection to our site/services. Addresses are stored so we know who our customer base is and can use it for billings. Usernames are stored to allow each client to be identifiable by their usernames. Payment records are stored so we have your payment history.
WHO DO YOU SHARE OUR DATA WITH? We don’t currently share your data with any individual outside of CryHosting. If this changes you will have to re-agree in order for us to share your data, we won’t share your data with anybody outside CryHosting without your agreement., Google Analytics and Mailchimp have access to certain data such as IPs and Location and any additional information you enter, Suppliers may have access to your server files.
HOW DOES THE AFFECT YOU? This includes but is not limited to: You may receive emails from us. Anybody with access to the panel will be able to see your IP when you connect to the server. Anybody with access to subuser lists will be able to see your email and username. Certain staff will be able to see all the information we keep.
EXCEPTIONS We may use your information to send you marketing/product information unless you opt out.
CONTACT Email: [email protected]